Window International Network (WIN) is a nonprofit organization founded in 1999 to continue the international outreach segment of the Christian Information Network.

Our vision is to see sustained, strategic, and informed prayer transforming unreached people for Christ in the 10/40 Window.

Our mission is to inform, equip, and mobilize networks of prayer around the globe to empower effective evangelism, church growth, and discipleship in the 10/40 Window.

This website is for mobilizing global intercessory prayers exclusively for Saudi Arabia.


  • Mobilization of more than 40 million Christian Believers to pray for the 10/40 Window
  • Prayer journeys into all of the 67 nations of the Window
  • Relationships with heads of state in several of the countries
  • Translation and distribution of the Praying Through The Window prayer calendar into 33 languages and dialects
  • Coordination of 120 nations to pray for the people in the Window
  • Praying With Power, Women’s Summit, Asian Summit, Prayer Consultation, and other conferences and church speaking engagements – training and equipping Christians to impact the 10/40 Window
  • Development of communications to inform prayer partners through the 10/40 Window Reporter, Monthly Prayer Points, Emergency Prayer Alerts, and WIN Resources


  • WindoWatchman I and II
  • Praying Through The Window Prayer Journey Training Manual
  • Move of the Holy Spirit in the 10/40 Window (Beverly Pegues of WIN co-authored with Luis Bush)
  • A Call to Prayer for Children, Teens and Young Adults of the 10/40 Window (Beverly Pegues and Nancy Huff)
  • The Heart-Wrenching Cries of Sudan prayer booklet (Beverly Pegues)
  • WIN’s Children’s Curriculum (Beverly Pegues and Cristy George)


  • Present the Gospel to those living in the Window in a culturally sensitive and contextually relevant manner
  • Identify, train and equip Christian nationals who can effectively witness to those in their nations
  • Pray for key international Christian leaders to plant indigenous Bible-based churches among the unreached people groups in the Window
  • Continue to mobilize millions of Christians to participate in the Praying through the Window initiatives along with training, and networking in the following strategic areas:
    – Prayer Campaigns
    – Church Planting
    – The Plight of Women & Girls
    – Children, Teens, Young Adults
    – Education
    – Micro Business Enterprise
    – Relief Efforts