Does the migrant workforce hold the key to take the Gospel Message to the Saudi Royals?

Saudi Arabia is looking to expand into other industries such as mining to limit dependency on fossil fuel revenue.

The methods that make the difference in Saudi Arabia for the furthering of The Great Commission

Recent News
The latest from Saudi Arabia in areas of Education, Family, Business, Religion, Media, Government, and Arts/Entertainment/Sports.
The kingdom built on its oil revenues is losing ground in crude production.
Is this another cosmetic normalization initiative?
Saudi Arabia is looking at a massive influx of foreign investments due to mining interests for lithium.
Saudi Arabia is once more in the spotlight for deteriorating treatment of migrant laborers.
Saudi Arabia's Proxy War

Iran and Saudi Arabia are fighting a war for supremacy in the Middle East - only, they are using proxies in Syria and Yemen.

The violent conflict between the Iran-backed Houthi Rebels and the Saudi-led coalition cost 380,000 lives.

From 2013 to 2017, Saudi Arabia armed Syrian Rebels. With the new gains by the rebels, the world wonder if Saudi Arabia is behind it once more.
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